This page is working but is still open to improvement Any tips or suggestions contact John

This page can be used to plan tasks out of Pipers.
It will output a *.cup file containing the task which can then be loaded into your soaring computer. This file can be downloaded from here or emailed to you.
Press the "create task" button to enable task setting mode.
Just click on the waypoints that you want to visit, then click on Pipers waypoint to display data for that task. No need to click on Pipers to start.
You can also click on a blank point on the map and that point will be included as a waypoint in your task.

To display info for each waypoint, hover the mouse over that point

Waypoint Bearing Distance

Waypoint Info

WP Name
Lat. Lon.
Dist. from Pipers
RW Length
RW Direction